Pan Card Online Apply : If you are going to get any kind of bank work or other important government work done, then it is mandatory for you to get your PAN card ready before that because without a PAN card, you will not be allowed to do any kind of government work.
PAN card has now been implemented in almost every field which is just as important as your identity just like your Aadhar card. Those people who want to get PAN card in less time and convenient way should adopt the online process.
For the last few years, the process of online application for PAN card has become very popular because by applying online, PAN card can be prepared in less time and in a very easy way.
Pan Card Online Apply
Such problems are emerging among the people which shows that their PAN card is not being made when they apply offline and they are having to wander around government offices and departments again and again.
To solve this problem, people are now attracted to the online process for making PAN card. Due to the increasing number of people and the need for PAN card, the official link for making PAN card has been activated by the Income Tax Department.
The official website for PAN card has been launched on the basis of many types of amendments so that people applying online do not have to face any kind of problems. Let us tell you the complete method of applying online for PAN card.
Documents required for making a PAN card
- Aadhar card
- Birth Certificate
- Identification Card
- I Certificate
- Address proof
- Caste certificate
- Passport size photograph
- Mobile Number
PAN Card Requirement
- An account can be easily opened in any financial bank branch using the PAN card.
- The function of PAN card is in all types of financial transactions related to the bank.
- PAN card is also required for any kind of work in the Income Tax Department or for paying tax.
- PAN card is also mainly required along with all the documents for educational and employment related processes.
- Apart from this, if any person other than the farmer brothers takes a loan, PAN card is required for that also.
Order PAN card from home
For those who apply for PAN card online and get their PAN card prepared completely online, they are also getting the facility of getting their PAN card delivered online at their homes. Now people will not have to go anywhere to get their PAN card.
The Indian postal department is delivering PAN cards to people’s permanent addresses, which is a very convenient system. There will be no need to pay any fee when the PAN card is delivered at home.
How to apply for PAN card online?
- First of all, search the official website on any of your digital devices.
- Once you find the website, enter the home page and proceed to the further process.
- Here you will have to click on the option of Form 49a.
- In the next page displayed, you will have to fill all the required information.
- Before submitting the form, the prescribed fee for PAN card has to be deposited.
- You will have to submit the form after which you will get a 15 digit digital number.
- After completion of this work, this courier has to be sent to the NSDL office along with the required documents within a maximum of 15 days.
- Your PAN card will be duly delivered to your permanent address within the stipulated time.
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