Money View App Loan 2024

Money View App Loan 2024 : When you need an instant loan, you look for a lender who can provide a good loan amount in a short time with minimal documentation. Money View App can provide such individuals a loan amount ranging from Rs 5000 to Rs 10 lakh in just 2 minutes, that too with very few documents. If you want to take a personal loan through Money View, then stay till the end of this article.

Money View App Loan 2024

Money View is an instant loan application. It completes the application process in just 2 minutes and provides the facility of personal loan to the beneficiary within 24 hours. Under this, any person can easily get a loan of up to Rs 2,00,000. However, depending on the need, this app provides loan facility ranging from Rs 5000 to Rs 2 lakh.

Money View App offers a flexible loan repayment period of up to 60 months i.e. 5 years. In some cases, the interest rate starts from 1.33% per annum while mostly the interest rate starts from 10% per annum. This interest rate will depend on the loan amount and the profile of the individual.   

Money View App Loan 2024
Money View App Loan 2024

Money View App LoanOverview

Name of the article Money View App Loan
lenderMoney View
Objective of the schemeTo provide small loans to individuals according to their needs.      
BeneficiaryAll citizens of India
application systemOnline
official website

Benefits and Features of Money View App Loan

  1. Your salary does not become a barrier to avail a loan when you take a loan through Money View App.
  2. Interest rates start from just 1.33%.
  3. Apart from 2% processing fee, no other charges are levied.
  4. Any person can easily take a loan ranging from Rs 5000 to Rs 2 lakh.
  5. Money View App allows you to apply in just 2 minutes.
  6. Under this, once the application is accepted, the loan amount is transferred to the account within just 24 hours.
  7. You get up to 5 years to repay the loan and your EMI also remains low.
  8. If you fail to pay EMI once, the interest rate will increase to 2% .

Eligibility for Money View App Loan

  1. The minimum monthly income of the loan recipient should be Rs 13500.
  2. The minimum income limit for metro city residents is Rs 15,000 per month.
  3. If you are self-employed then your monthly income should be at least ₹15000.
  4. The applicant’s civil score must be at least 600.
  5. Experience score should be 650 and above.
  6. The age of applicant should be between 21 to 57 years.

Documents Required for Money View App Loan

  1. Any one identity proof like Aadhar Card, Voter ID, Passport or Driving License.
  2. Any document of proof of residence.
  3. Any proof to show income like- last 3 months bank statement, etc.
  4. Any proof of employment.
  5. PAN card.
  6. mobile number.
  7. Passport size photo or selfie photo.  

How to apply for loan through Money View Loan App?

To apply for Money View App Loan, it is necessary to download and install Money View App in your mobile, if not then –

  • First of all download Money View App from Google Play Store.
  • Now you have to register on Money View App using your mobile number and email ID.
  • After successful registration, you will have to choose the loan option.
  • On the new page, you will be asked for some personal information, like name, date of birth etc.
  • By entering all these, complete your KYC with the help of your KYC documents.
  • After E-KYC is done, you will have to scan and upload all the documents.
  • Now loans will be offered as per your eligibility.
  • Select the loan type you wish to avail and proceed further and enter the bank details.
  • After this, after agreeing to some terms and conditions, click on Apply Now or Submit.
  • After verification, if everything is found correct then the loan amount will be sent to your bank account within 24 hours.

How to apply online through Money View Up loan –

  • First of all go to the official website of Money View, the link of which is given in the table above.
  • Now CLICK on Personal Loan in the menu.
  • As soon as you CLICK you will be asked for your mobile number.
  • Enter mobile number, verify OTP and click on Apply Now.
  • Next you will be asked for some personal information.
  • Proceed further by entering all the information in all the steps and click on submit.
  • In this way you will be able to apply for loan online.
  • The loan amount will be sent to your account within 24 hours of the application being approved.

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